Empennage Order Submitted

And we're off!  May 28th, 2021 marks the the date when the Eyland Aviation RV-10 project officially kicks off, as I just filled out the Vans order form for the Empennage kit and called to give them my 25% deposit.  I would have probably preferred to have waited a bit longer to throw money down, but with a current estimate of a four-month wait for the empennage to be delivered, better to get a place in line now.

There go the first of many American dollars

I've struggled with which Vans aircraft to build (more on that in a later post) and whether to build at all, but at the end of the day I had a YOLO moment as the kids say, and decided to pull the trigger, with the justification being that the empennage kit isn't a huge financial investment - if I end up getting bored along the way, or hate building, I can sell off what I have and cut my losses.

Jason Ellis has a great vlog on YouTube detailing his RV-10 build journey, and in one of his posts (I can't seem to find it at the moment) he answers a viewer question about how you pay for your build - and I think his thought process is much the same as mine.  The great thing about the build is that you can save up for the next portion while you build the current one.  I'm fortunate to be paid very well to do a job I quite enjoy, but I have a wife and kids who like nice things, so finances are always on the front of mine.  I'm putting my deposit on the empennage down now just nearing the beginning of June, with the expectation that I won't have to pay the balance until sometime near the end of September.  By then I'll have saved up the remainder, as well as having purchased the tools I need to get started.  Or that's the plan at least.  

So here we go ...


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